Restrictions are being lifted and the country is starting to reopen, but it’s still important to be safe and protect yourself from COVID-19—and that includes when you move.

recent video from outlined tips for moving safely in the midst of COVID-19, including:

  • Drive instead of fly. Car travel puts you at less risk of exposure to COVID-19 than air travel. However, make sure to plan ahead and implement safety practices (like wearing a mask and frequent hand washing) when you stop for gas, to use the restroom, or to pick up snacks.
  • Research your movers. If you’re going to hire movers, make sure to call ahead and ask about their COVID-19 safety policies, practices, and procedures.
  • Choose cardboard over plastic. If your movers are going to be moving your belongings, pack in cardboard instead of plastic. COVID-19 can last up to one day on cardboard—but up to three days on plastic.
  • Disinfect new points of contact. When you arrive at your new home, make sure you disinfect any frequent points of contact, like doorknobs and cabinet pulls.
  • Wipe everything down. Once your boxes and furniture have been unloaded at your new residence, make sure to wipe them down before you unpack. Wash your hands after you touch anything the movers may have touched.

Bottom line? If you’re planning a move in the near future, it’s important to protect yourself and your family—so make sure you follow these tips during the moving process.