There’s no bad time of year, or perfect time of year to buy a home. But if you’re shopping for property during the winter season, there are definitely things you want to keep in mind—and mistakes you want to avoid—during the process.

But what, exactly, are those mistakes?

recent article from outlined common mistakes potential buyers make during the winter (mistakes that could ultimately cost you your dream home!), including:

  • Overspending for the holidays. People have a tendency to overspend at the holidays. But spending more than you have on holiday shopping—and going into debt as a result—could prevent you from securing a mortgage in the new year.
  • Not using your imagination to see a home’s potential. Winter can be cold, gray, and drab—and the seasons can also make a home seem cold, gray, and drab. In order to successfully find a home, you have to use your imagination—and think about how the house will look at other times of year.
  • Low-balling on the offer. This winter selling season is the hottest in recent memory—so offering an unreasonably or unjustifiably low amount on your offer could cause you to miss out on the home.

The Takeaway:

Bottom line? If you’re thinking about buying a home this winter, it’s important to make sure you understand the most common mistakes buyers make—so you can avoid those mistakes and successfully find and buy your dream home before spring hits.